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Content Marketing: 7 Ways to Generate Ideas for Blog Content

You know the feeling - staring at a blank screen or page, the cursor blinking mockingly, as your mind goes utterly blank. Coming up with ideas for new blog posts, articles or other content can be challenging when you're drawing a blank. But don't worry, you've got this. There are proven strategies to tap into a wellspring of content ideas and never run dry. In this article, you'll discover seven foolproof ways to generate a steady stream of content ideas to fuel your blog or website.

1. Brainstorm Broad Topics That Interest Your Audience

Think about the questions and issues your audience frequently asks about. What are their biggest pain points or aspirations in your industry or area of expertise? Make a list of 8-10 broad themes, like:

•Common mistakes to avoid
•Trends shaping the future
•Tips for increasing productivity
•Resources or tools for getting started

Don't be afraid to get very niche—your most engaged readers will appreciate the depth and specificity. Use online tools like Buzzsumo, AnswerThePublic or Google’s related searches to uncover popular and compelling angles on your broad topics.

Staying on the cutting edge of what matters to your readers is the key to never running out of content ideas again. With a little upfront brainstorming, you'll have a constant source of inspiration and a list of post ideas that fuels your content creation for months to come.

2. Use Tools Like Google Trends to Find Trending Content Ideas

One of the best ways to find trending content ideas is to use tools like Google Trends. This free tool allows you to see what people are searching for and how those search volumes are changing over time.

See seasonal search trends

Google Trends also allows you to see seasonal search trends. Look for terms that experience predictable spikes at certain times of year. Holiday-related terms are an obvious example. You can create content around those seasonal interests that you know people will search for.

3. Repurpose and Expand on Existing Content

One of the easiest ways to keep the content flowing is to repurpose and build upon what you already have. Why start from scratch when you have a trove of content just waiting to be recycled and refreshed?

Revisit and update older content

Go back through your content archives and find older pieces that are still useful and relevant. Update any facts, stats or examples that have changed, freshen up the writing style, add additional tips or takeaways based on what you’ve learned since publishing, and re-share the updated post. Your readers will appreciate the refreshed information and search engines will see it as new content.

Turn a short-form post into a long-form guide

If you have any popular short posts on your blog like a quick tip or overview of a topic, consider expanding on that post to create an in-depth guide. Add more details, examples, explanations, visuals and resources to turn a few hundred words into a few thousand. The guide can then become an evergreen piece of content on your site.

Repackage content in a different format

Take existing blog posts, videos, podcast episodes or other content and repackage them into a different format. Turn written posts into video or audio content. Compile related pieces into an ebook, video course or podcast series. The new format and bundling of information gives your content a fresh angle that your audience may prefer consuming.

Build upon content with follow-up posts

Create follow-up posts that dive deeper into a topic or angle that you touched on previously. If you wrote a beginner’s guide to something, publish an advanced guide. Interview people in a particular role or industry and then do roundup posts with insights from multiple experts. A series of posts, especially how-to guides or tutorials, are always helpful for readers and good for SEO.

4. Interview Industry Experts for Unique Perspectives

Interviewing industry experts is a great way to generate unique content ideas and perspectives. Reach out to influencers in your niche and ask if they’d be open to an interview. Many will welcome the opportunity to share their knowledge and get exposure.

Record the interview and have it transcribed. Then, review the transcript for highlights you want to feature in your content. Weave the expert’s quotes, advice, and perspectives throughout your writing to add credibility. Mention the expert by name and include details about their experience and credentials to establish them as an authority.

5. Look at Competitors' Content for Inspiration

One of the best ways to find new content ideas is to see what your competitors are writing about. Their content can provide inspiration and help you identify trending topics and ideas that may resonate with your audience.

Review Competitor Blogs and Social Media

These are clearly resonating with readers and indicate the types of content and topics your target audience finds most interesting or valuable.

You might find ideas for:

  • In-depth guides or how-to posts on important subjects.
  • List posts highlighting tools, resources, or tips.
  • Interviews with industry experts.
  • Case studies demonstrating how a product or service achieved results.
  • News or commentary on the latest trends.

Reviewing what competitors publish on an ongoing basis is a simple way to stay on the pulse of your industry and continue generating new content ideas. You'll never run out of inspiration and will always have a steady stream of topics and content to create for your blog readers.


The key is to not overthink it - start with what you know, tap into trending topics, look for gaps in your industry, repurpose and build upon what's already working. Keep an open and curious mindset, ask lots of questions, and the ideas will start flowing. Now get out there, pick a strategy or two to try this week, and let the content ideas roll! You've got this.

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