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How artificial intelligence is transforming our lives?

You might not realize it, but artificial intelligence has already crept into your daily life. AI isn't just powering self-driving cars or beating humans at complex games like chess and Go anymore. AI is enhancing and optimizing many technologies and services you probably use every day.

1.AI in Smart Assistants Like Siri and Alexa

Smart assistants like Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant have become such a normal part of our lives, it's easy to forget that AI powers these digital helpers. AI allows these assistants to understand your questions and commands, and respond quickly with helpful answers and actions.

  1. Natural Language Processing. AI uses NLP to understand the human language you speak to your smart assistant. Whether you say “Hey Siri, call Mom” or “Alexa, play some jazz music,” your assistant can comprehend your request and determine the right response.

  2. Machine Learning. ML algorithms enable assistants to get smarter over time. As people interact with the assistants, they collect huge amounts of data which the AI uses to detect patterns. The more data, the better the assistant gets at understanding different accents and phrasing, handling complex requests, and personalizing responses.

  3. Knowledge Graphs. AI has access to vast amounts of data about the world that it compiles into knowledge graphs. These graphs help the assistant understand the relationships between people, places and things so it can answer a wide range of questions accurately. When you ask your assistant a question, it searches its knowledge graphs for the answer.

  4. Natural Language Generation. Once your smart assistant understands your request, AI allows it to generate a natural language response. The assistant considers the context of your question or command and creates a helpful, conversational answer or action. This could be speaking an answer, displaying information on a screen or adjusting settings in your connected devices.

2. AI for Ecommerce and Personalized Shopping

Online shopping has come a long way thanks to AI. Many ecommerce sites now use AI to provide personalized recommendations and tailored shopping experiences.

Product Recommendations

Have you ever browsed a site and seen suggestions for items you might be interested in based on your shopping habits? That's AI at work. Sites track your purchases, searches, and browsing history to determine your preferences and suggest similar or complementary products.

Virtual Shopping Assistants

Some ecommerce companies offer virtual shopping assistants that can answer questions, provide recommendations and handle simple tasks like tracking orders or reordering favorite items. For example, Walmart has an AI-based assistant named Claude that helps customers shop on their website and mobile app. Claude learns from interactions to improve over time.

3. Automation and Smart Homes

AI is transforming homes in exciting ways. Smart home devices powered by artificial intelligence are making homes more automated, efficient and secure.

4. Smart Speakers and Voice Assistants

You're probably familiar with smart speakers like the Amazon Echo or Google Home. These devices use AI to understand voice commands and control other smart home gadgets. Tell your smart speaker to turn on the lights, play music, set a timer or check the weather and it will respond. Smart speakers can also control smart TVs, doorbells, thermostats and more using voice commands.

5. Home Automation and Smart Appliances

•Smart doorbells and locks use AI and facial recognition to detect familiar faces, alert you to strangers at the door or automatically unlock when you approach.

•Smart security cameras monitor for suspicious activity and can distinguish between people, animals and vehicles. They send alerts to your phone if anything is detected.

•Robot vacuums like the Roomba use AI to map your home, clean efficiently and return to their charging station. Some can even empty their own dust bins.

You've seen how AI is already becoming an integral part of your day to day, often in ways you don't even notice.AI is enhancing and streamlining many of the technologies and services you regularly interact with. The pace of progress is only accelerating, with AI poised to drive even more changes to how you live and work in the coming years.AI will continue quietly transforming your everyday in surprising and meaningful ways.

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