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Maximize Your Work Hours: Simple Tricks for Increased Productivity

So you want to get more done during your workday but can't seem to stay focused or find enough time for important tasks. Between meetings, emails, and interruptions from coworkers, the hours seem to slip by and you're left wondering where the day went and what you actually accomplished. The good news is there are some simple tricks you can use to maximize your work hours and increase your productivity. The time to take action is now.

1. Set Clear Goals and Priorities for Each Day:

To make the most of your work hours, you need to start each day with a plan. Set clear goals and priorities so you can focus your time and energy on what really matters.

Determine your top priorities

What absolutely must get done today? Write down your top 3 priorities and focus on completing those first before moving on to anything else. Ask yourself what will have the biggest impact and move the needle in your role and for the company. Those should rise to the top of the list.

Break down big goals into manageable steps

If you have a large, complex goal, break it down into smaller milestones. This will make the goal seem more achievable and less overwhelming. Celebrate achieving each milestone to stay motivated.

Minimize distractions

Cut out or limit things like social media, meetings, and interruptions from coworkers. Let people know if you have a deadline and need to focus. Put your phone on do not disturb and avoid checking email. Do your deep work during your peak productivity periods when you have the most mental energy.

2. Minimize Distractions and Stay Focused:

To get more done during work hours, you need to minimize distractions and stay focused. Here are some tips to help boost your productivity:

Turn off notifications on your devices. The constant pinging of emails, texts, and chat messages diverts your attention and reduces focus. Disable alerts for a set period of time, like 90 minutes, so you can concentrate without interruption.

Take regular breaks. While minimizing distractions is important, it’s also essential to recharge. Take short breaks every 90 minutes or so to rest your mind. Even stepping away for just 5 or 10 minutes can help you renew your mental focus so you can continue working productively.

The key to maximizing your work hours is developing the discipline to avoid diversions and stay on task. With practice, these productivity tips can become good work habits that will serve you well for years to come. Stay focused, my friends!

3. Use Productivity Tools and Apps:

To maximize your productivity at work, utilize tools and apps designed specifically for this purpose. Here are a few recommendations:


This popular to-do list app allows you to organize tasks, set reminders, and prioritize important work. You can create projects, subtasks, and schedules to keep you on track. The clean interface makes it easy to see what needs to get done each day. Todoist is free to use and available as an app or web browser extension.


Are you wondering where your time goes each day? RescueTime is an automated time tracking tool that runs in the background on your devices. It categorizes how you spend your time based on the websites and apps you use. You'll gain valuable insights into how productive or distracted you are, and can set goals for improving your efficiency. The free version provides basic reports, with paid options for teams and businesses.


Music has a strong influence over your focus and mood. Focus@Will is a music streaming service designed specifically for concentration and productivity. Their instrumental tracks are scientifically optimized to boost your attention span and mental performance. Many users report up to a 200-400% increase in productivity just by listening to Focus@Will during work hours. Subscriptions start at $10/month.

4. Learn Time Management Strategies:

To get the most out of your work hours, effective time management is key. Here are some strategies to boost your productivity:

Create a Schedule

Plan your day by creating a schedule and to-do list. Prioritize important and meaningful tasks, and block off time for them. Be sure to also schedule in breaks to recharge. Having a roadmap for your day will help ensure you're focusing your time and energy on the right things.

Minimize Distractions

Whether it's social media, emails, or chatty coworkers, distractions sap your productivity. Try to limit interruptions by closing browser tabs, turning off phone notifications, and letting your coworkers know if you need to focus. If possible, try working in an empty conference room. Removing diversions will help you achieve flow state and power through important work.

Take Regular Breaks

While minimizing distractions is important, so is giving your mind a rest. Take short breaks every 90 minutes or so to recharge and renew your mental focus. Even taking just 2-3 minutes to step away from your work can help you feel less burnt out and more motivated. Use your breaks to stretch, get a drink of water, or chat with a coworker.

Leave on Time

Have a cut-off time for when you'll leave work, and stick to it. While it can be tempting to work longer hours to get more done, your productivity and work-life balance will suffer.

Using these time management techniques, you can get more done in less time and gain back hours in your day. Staying organized, reducing diversions, taking breaks, and maintaining a healthy work schedule will maximize your productivity and help you make the most of your work hours.


Take regular breaks to recharge and refocus your mind. Try to minimize meetings and optimize your time by sticking to an agenda. And at the end of the day, leave work at work - make time for friends, family, exercise and hobbies. Your productivity and work-life balance will thank you. Implement a few of these tips and you'll be well on your way to maximizing your work hours in no time. Now get to it!

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